Frequently asked questions and answers
What is Nutritional Blood Microscopy?
Nutritional Blood Microscopy is a type of analysis that can give you a better overall picture of your health, as well as detect a variety of different types of health issues early on. Some health problems can be detected even if you are not currently experiencing any symptoms. Nutritional Blood Microscopy is also known as live blood analysis. By learning more about your blood, you have the opportunity to adjust your lifestyle, your eating habits, and the supplements you take to boost your health and treat a variety of health conditions found through the live blood analysis. Or you can discover what type of medical specialist would be most appropriate to see next.
What kinds of treatment options are recommended by chemists specializing in nutritional blood microscopy like Dr. Brewer?
The recommended course of treatment is highly dependent on the results of your live blood analysis. For example, any nutritional deficiencies can likely be effectively treated by making changes in your diet. In some cases, you may also need to introduce certain kinds of supplements and vitamins into your daily life. If the analysis shows an increase in stress hormones, lifestyle changes that help you reduce and manage stress may be effective. If more serious health concerns are detected, it’s very likely that you would be referred to the appropriate specialist for further testing.
What can you tell by examining white blood cells?
White blood cell disorders, just like red blood cell disorders, can be very serious. Lymphoma, for example, is a type of blood cancer that can affect any part of your lymphatic system, such as your lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow, or even your tonsils. A more commonly known blood cancer known as leukemia can also be detected by analyzing the white blood cells. Examining your white blood cells can even give you more insight into how well your immune system is functioning in general, which provides a clearer picture of your overall health. These are a few examples that demonstrate the kinds of serious health concerns that can be detected through live blood analysis.
What can you tell by examining red blood cells?
A lot can be learned by examining red blood cells using live blood analysis. For example, your chemist may find that your red blood cells have deformities, which can be a sign of various conditions, or that you are suffering from dehydration. Red blood cell disorders include various types of anemia, which is caused by a lack of red blood cells, and a genetic blood disorder known as thalassemia. Blood cancer is also a possibility and can lead to heart attacks, strokes, or blood clots–all very serious health conditions.
What are the long-term and short-term effects of higher stress levels in my body?
Live blood analysis can show the stress levels in your body, and it’s important to know what a higher level could mean for your health. In the short-term, you may experience severe muscle tension or heavy breathing that can lead to hyperventilating or even a full blown panic attack. Stress hormones cause your heart to pump faster or various stomach issues, including a significant change in your appetite. The long-term effects of increased stress hormones are more severe. You could experience damage to your heart or reproductive system. It’s possible to develop type 2 diabetes or problems with your thyroid. High stress levels can sometimes lead to chronic pain like migraines or chronic disorders like acid reflux. Some of these conditions can be very damaging to your quality of life, and they sometimes lead to serious or even fatal health problems. This should give you a better indication of how impactful a live blood analysis can be.
In addition to what I eat, can a live blood analysis reveal anything else about my lifestyle?
Live blood analysis is effective in determining if you’re consuming a high-fat or if you have any nutritional deficiencies. But that’s not the only aspect of your lifestyle that can be revealed through live blood analysis. By analyzing just a few small drops of your blood, an analyst can see if you consume alcohol or if you are a cigarette smoker, as well as how these vices may be affecting your health. Interestingly, the analysis also reveals information about your stress levels. When we’re stressed, our body releases a triad of hormones–adrenaline, norepinephrine, and cortisol. If you’ve been living a high-stress lifestyle, it may be affecting your overall health and well being. A live blood analysis can reveal that your lifestyle is in fact affecting the stress hormones in your body.
What can a live blood analysis help me learn about my health?
A live blood analysis can give you a fuller picture of your overall health. It can help determine if you are suffering from nutritional deficiencies, for example. In some cases, a live blood analysis can find abnormalities in your blood that could point toward various types of health problems. The analysis can determine if you have abnormally high inflammation levels, a compromised immune system, or circulation issues. Your blood can also reveal that you have a hormonal imbalance, which can be a sign of several serious health conditions, including ones that can cause infertility. Catching signs of these ailments early on is very important to ensure a faster and more complete recovery.
How is live blood analysis done?
To complete a live blood analysis, a qualified chemist only needs a few small drops of your blood. Once the drops of blood are obtained, they are then analyzed on a microscopic level. The type of microscope used is called a phase contrast microscope. The analyzation process uses something called dark-field microscopy, which is effective at illuminating and contrasting different components. Dark-field microscopy basically creates a dark background on which to see brightened particles. A phase contrast microscope is a high-powered piece of equipment that is ideal for an effective analyzation of blood cells. Learning more about your blood can show you which health issues to be concerned about, so you can develop a plan for treatment and ultimately lead a healthier life.